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Yamato introduces itself

Let us together build cultural bridges, gather fascinating experiences und encompass the whole world with “the great harmony.” That is the goal as well as the very core of this unique cultural association, whose name Yamato means “the great harmony”.

Founded in the150th anniversary year of the diplomatic relationship between Switzerland andJapan, the Swiss Japanese Cultural Association Yamato offers an ideal platform for the intercultural dialogue and cooperation. As a matter of fact, the cooperation among people with different cultural backgrounds is explicitly encouraged. In the process of working together, intensive and long- lasting interactions come into play, which would inturn lead to uncountable shared experiences. Indeed, those shared experiences are the key to Yamato’s purpose, for no mutual understanding and friendship could develop without them. In that respect Yamato is nothing like a conventional homeland club, where primarily the individuals of the same nationality and their families get together and occasionally host parties to obtain somefeeling of their distant homeland.

The membership and activities of Yamato are open to allnationalities and cultures. That implies Yamato supports not only the integration of the Japanese nationals living in Switzerland but also the peaceful coexistence of all nationalities. Yamato is blessed with those who are willing to support, learn from and share with one another – mostly through cultural projects. Why? That is because it is the culture which makes the human being really human.

For those reasons, Yamato can be compared to agroup of intercultural bridge builders, who would like to give everyone the genuine feeling of home and unity right her and now. Infact, that feeling is exactly what the foundation of “the great harmony” is meant to be.

Aren’t you also a new accord, which would beautifully harmonize with Yamato?

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